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Study of success rate of vaginal birth after cesarean section in relation to FLAMM scoreSwati Patel, Latika Mehta, Janki Patel, Komal Modi. Abstract | | | Cited by 0 Articles | Background: Globally, there is an increased trend of cesarean section (CS). Repeat CS is associated with various complications. Successful vaginal birth after caesarean section (VBAC) helps to decrease CS rate and its associated morbidities. Practice of protocol of applying FLAMM score and monitoring by partogram reduces the rate of cesarean section in the previous one lower segment cesarean section patient.
Aims and Objectives: The present study is conducted to evaluate the impact of FLAMM scoring for vaginal birth after CS on obstetrics and perinatal outcome in case of the previous one lower segment CS delivery.
Materials and Methods: The prospective and observational study was conducted in Obstetrics and Gynaecology department of one of the teaching institutes of Ahmedabad over a period of 1 year. Total 100 pregnant women from labour room with history of the previous one CS, who gave consent for trial of labor after the previous cesarean (TOLAC) were selected and FLAMM score applied on them. Study participants were divided in two groups according to outcome. Group A: Successful TOLAC and Group B: Failed TOLAC. Maternal and neonatal outcome was measured in both groups.
Results: Out of 98 patients 40 years of age had VBAC. Out of 94 patients with favorable FLAMM’s score, 79% (n = 75) had VBAC and 100% (n = 6) with unfavorable FLAMM had CS.
Conclusion: Careful patient selection for TOLAC is of utmost priority to increase success rate and decrease complications. FLAMM scoring system is a very efficient guiding tool for this. By applying FLAMM score, we increase success rate of TOLAC and thereby decrease CS rate in case of previous CS.
Key words: Cesarean Section; Trial of Labor after Cesarean Section; Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Section; FLAMM Score