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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 3569-3576


Dr. Jawahar Chaudhari.


A study an Agro- tourism activities effect on scope of rural development and change the condition on socio-economic at the rural areas, In general agro tourism is the practice of attracting to Specifically Urban tourists to agro-tourism. Agro- tourism center are basically depends upon agricultural lands, various types of crops and agri., activities.. Mostly, agro-tourism activities essential for a small farm express pride complete the fully order to be success. It is important become fully aware of as a fact that running an agri. Tourism center can be a great source of allied income for farmers. Some of the benefits is agro tourism employment opportunities to the farmers including farmers whole family members and youth people, about the agricultural activities. It helps and encouragement that you give to things and further promotes rural and agricultural development process as the tourists.The development of the basic physical conditions and organizational structure and facilities needed for the society in rural areas. Rural areas having potential for tourism is being supported to rural development. Agro- tourism is very important for rural farmers and communities as well as urban areas. It can provide more advantages growth and progress in income, created employment, essential for provide service on accommodation activities as natural resources, energy conservation and education but the main problem is facing the farmers low level Agro farm income. Agro tourism intends to obtain together standard of living for rural communities through increased income source for people who working in farm. Agro tourism impacts a new agricultural activities concern to tourism and agriculture. It has a great capacity and potential to created additional source of employment and income source creating activities to the farmer and rural sustainable development. Agro tourism center provides much more tourist activities and advantages of Agro tourism industries on rural areas. It brings major primarily agricultural sector change into major service sector tourism. Tourism sector has potential to growth the agricultural sector as the capacity of absorbs work expansion on tourism activities

Key words: Agriculture, tourist activities, socio-economic development, Agro- economy.

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