Skills and knowledge are the driving forces of economic growth and social development of any country. The empowerment of rural women is seen only as the means of poverty eradication. Any step of empowering these poor women can make provision to link the nature of empowerment with the skill training required for efficiently running it. India is seriously handicapped with a very weak and narrow knowledge and skills base, with 12.3% gross enrolment ratio, as compared to 21% in China, 54.6% in developed countries and the world average of 23.2%. This paper represents the concept and Meaning of Vocational Education and Training by linking it to lifelong learning. The importance of VET for underprivileged, marginalized groups and women has been pinpointed, as it is a powerful weapon against poverty and hunger, and for womens empowerment. VET can make a big difference for many of the rural poor and women by improving household productivity, employability and income-earning opportunities and also for enhancing food security and promoting environmentally sustainable development and livelihoods.
Key words: Skills, Economy, Literacy, Vocational Education, Women empowerment, Employability.