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Cytogenetic evaluation of antidepressant drug, Sertraline, in vitro

Rawaa Mohammed Abdo, Sayran Kamal Mohammad Salih, Dian Jamel Salih, Asaad Abdulwahid Alasady.

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Aim: Sertraline is an active antidepressant drug that is being used in the treatment of psychiatric disorders for long-term use. The genotoxic effects of this drug. Sufficient studies reporting the genotoxic and carcinogenic effects of this drug have not been reported yet. This study aimed to assess the frequency of chromosomal aberrations on human lymphocytes in vitro.
Material and Methods: In this study, the in vitro genotoxic effects of Sertraline have been determined in human peripheral blood lymphocytes by using chromosomal aberrations: 5; 10; 25; 50.00; 75 and 100mg/mL concentrations of Sertraline were used. Sertraline significantly increased the frequency of chromosomal aberrations in high doses compared with the control. The two highest concentrations (75 and 100mg/mL) of Sertraline were significantly increased chromosomal aberrational s compared to recommended concentration (50mg/mL). A significantly higher frequency of chromosomal aberrations (p

Key words: Antidepressants, Sertraline, chromosomal aberrations, cytogenetics

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