Original Research |
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The effectiveness of home-based physical therapy on glycemic control and quality of life in adults with prediabetesShweta M Parikh, Nistha Trivedi, Punam Bhende, Ashish Gupta, Sirajahemad Bhoraniya, Kushangi Jain, Hirva Joshi, Heer Contractor. Abstract | | | | Background: Prediabetes is the preceding stage of diabetes which puts an individual to induce complications same as that of diabetes; hence, it should be treated to prevent its progression to diabetes and other consequences. However, there is very less literature about impact of home-based physical therapy on glycemic control and quality of life in Indian prediabetic population.
Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the home-based physical therapy shows effect on glycemic control and individual’s quality of life after a 3-month intervention.
Materials and Methods: The study was conducted on 55 individuals who were diagnosed with prediabetes (36 males and 19 females) on basis of HbA1c level ranging from 5.7% to 6.4%. A 12-week exercise protocol was made which includes warm up exercises, main exercise program (aerobic and strengthening training), and cool down exercises along with dietary changes. SF-36 and HbA1c level is taken at baseline and at the end of 12 weeks for quality of life and glycemic control measures in participants, respectively.
Results: The difference in HbA1c levels before and after treatment was found to be statistically significant. The HbA1c levels after the 3-month intervention showed significant reduction (P < 0.008) along with significant difference in all domain of SF-36 except in domain 3 (role limitation due to emotional problem) and domain 6 (social functioning).
Conclusion: The home-based physical therapy program is effective in glycemic control and quality of life in adults with prediabetes.
Key words: Home-Based Physical Therapy; HbA1c Level; SF-36 Score; Prediabetes and Quality of Life