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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 4458-4471

Impact of Brand Equity on Purchase Intention Through Brand Preference: Macro and Micro Perspective from Online Fast Food Industry of Pakistan

Masood Hasan, Nazia Saeed, Saima Munawar, Dr. Shabbar Hussain, Hannan Afzal, Dr. Qasim Saleem.


This study aims to analyze the impact of consumer-based brand equity on purchase intention in the context of the online fast-food market. It evaluates this relationship from both macro ad micro levels perspective of brand equity. Moreover, this study assesses the mediation effect of brand preference. The data collected from 328 respondents residing in Karachi was analyzed using partial least squares - structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to test the hypothesized relationships. The findings show that overall brand equity has a substantial impact on purchase intention both directly and indirectly. However, on the micro-level, only brand loyalty directly affects purchase intention, whereas brand loyalty and brand awareness have an indirect effect on purchase intention en route purchase intention. This study provides fresh insights into a well-researched area. The marketers should understand that fast-food customer is driven to purchase more through loyalty, so more focus should be placed on repeat purchases. This study contributes to the literature by explaining the macro and micro level relationship of consumer-based brand equity within a single context.

Key words: Brand Equity, Purchase Intention, Brand Preference, Macro , Micro, Fast Food.

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