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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2918-2926


Zubair Khan, Ilyas Khan, Zafar Khan.


This qualitative study was aimed to explore the consequences of poor performance of students in English language at secondary level. The study also identified ways and means for improving students’ performance in English at secondary public schools. The objectives of the study were: i) to identify the consequences of poor performance of students in English language at secondary school level. ii) to identify ways and means for improving students’ performance in English at secondary school level. The target population in this study consisted of students and teachers of the public schools and the sample of the study consisted of 11 teachers of English and 11 secondary school students studying in public sectors schools in district Abbottabad. Semi-structured interviews were developed to collect data and thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Findings revealed that negative attitude toward English language, lack of interest in the study, dropout, lack of confidence, poor performance in sciences subjects, lack of participation in the school program, rude behavior, fewer opportunities for higher education or job were identified as consequences of poor performance of the students in the subject of English language at secondary level.
The study also explored the ways and means for dealing with the poor performance of the students in English language at secondary school level. The study has important implications for teachers, students, policymakers, and education researchers.

Key words: Poor Performance, Consequences, Secondary School, Dropout, School activities.

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