Soil classification is vital to the advancement of soil studies in that it ensures identification of various soils of the world. The soils formed on schists and older granite in the basement complex geology of Nigeria were classified. Soil data consisting of morphological, physical and chemical properties of seven soil units in Ado Ekiti (AA - AE) and nine units in Kabba (KA KI) were collated from previous studies. The soil classes according to the USDA Soil Taxonomy and World Reference Base for Soil Resources are; KA- Typic Durustalfs and Petroplinthic Lixisols, KB- Arenic Kandiustalfs and Ferric Lixisols, KC- Aquic Arenic Paleustalfs and Gleyic Lixisols, KD- Typic Kandiustalfs and Ferric Lixisols, KE- Kandic Paleustalfs and Ferric Lixisols, KF- Plinthic Kandiustalfs and Gleyic Lixisols, KG- Typic Plinthaqualfs and Gleyic Lixisols, KH- Aquic Kandiustalfs and Gleyic Lixisols, KI- Aquic Arenic Kandiustalfs and Gleyic Lixisols, AA- Plinthic Kandiustalfs and Plinthic Lixisols, AB- Plinthic Paleustalfs and Plinthic Lixisols, AC- Arenic Kandiustalfs and Haplic Lixisols, AD- Typic Durustalfs and Petroplinthic Lixisols, AE- Typic Kandiustalfs and Haplic Lixisols, AF- Arenic Paleustalfs and Haplic Lixisols and AG- Typic Epiaqualfs and Oxyaquic Arenosols.
Key words: classification, identification, taxonomy, schist, granite, alfisols, lixisols