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Case Report

RMJ. 2003; 28(2): 77-79

Intestinal non-hodgkin’s lymphoma presenting with sub acute abdomen: a report of two cases

Muslim Atiq, Muzaffar Lateef Gill, Nasir Khokhar, Javed Aslam Butt.


Gastrointestinal (GI) tract lymphomas are the most common type of primary extra nodal lymphomas. Primary intestinal lymphomas represent about 15-20% of gastrointestinal lymphomas (1) and new therapeutic approaches are now being devised to treat them aggressively. However in Pakistan, few studies regarding the epidemiology of GI lymphoma have been published (2-3). It is because of not very commonly available diagnostic facilities or partly poor awareness amongst clinicians. We are reporting two patients who presented to our institution in the last six months. Both were labeled as intestinal tuberculosis (TB) but turned out to be primary Non Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL) of the gastrointestinal tract.

Key words: NHL, intestinal obstruction, lymphoma

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