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Review Article

RMJ. 2003; 28(2): 67-71

Recommendations for Appropriate use of Antimicrobials at Hospitals in Pakistan (First of two parts)

Ejaz A. Khan, Shaukat A. Bangash.


The inappropriate and excessive use of antimicrobials worldwide including Pakistan has led to resistance of common pathogens. This has led to limited options for use of antibiotics in both outpatient and inpatient settings. There is now a greater stress to restrict antibiotics use in large setups as one major step. An antibiotic policy in any institution will help in ensuring that physicians follow guidelines that aid in patient overall management. In most health institutions there is no antibiotic policy. Physicians are often unaware or do not follow such policies. This paper will review some aspects of antibiotic use and provide a basis for controlled and appropriate use of antimicrobials in major hospitals across Pakistan.

Key words: Antibiotics, pathogens, microbial resistance

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