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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3499-3508


Muhammad Qasim, Dr. Muhammad Shah, Dr. Malik Amer Atta, Dr. Abdul Hafeez.


The purpose of this study was to find out, “instructional leadership of heads regarding managing curriculum”. From D.I.Khan District ten public and twelve private secondary schools were selected randomly. The entire Heads teachers were observed with the help of different stake holders. From public and private secondary schools sixty seven science and one hundred and sixty nine arts teachers were selected, similarly one twenty four senior and one twelve junior teachers were selected for the purpose. The five point rating scale as a research tool was used which consisted of fifty two items in four parts. Data were collected in person; Z-Distribution was applied to analyze the data at 0.05 level of significance. On the bases of findings it was concluded that private secondary school heads perform better than public secondary school heads regarding managing curriculum. It is recommended that the public secondary school head may be provided training and guidance in the perspective of managing curriculum. Public secondary School head may be equipped with modern techniques of instructional leadership to develop the school, students and staff in the form of workshops and seminars.

Key words: Heads teachers, secondary schools, Z-Distribution

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