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Hypoglycemia Associated Factors and Prevention Practices among Diabetic Patients in Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Abdulaziz Fahad Albarakati, Mokhtar Mahfouz Shatla, Abdullah Yasser Fakieha, Faisal Ahmed Alshehri, Mohammed Hassan Alqarni, Husam Samer Algurashi.


Background & Aims: Hypoglycemia is a serious medical crisis requiring immediate recognition and action to avoid morbidity and mortality. It happens when blood glucose level drops less than 70 mg/dl. Understanding the prevention practice of hypoglycemia, particularly in diabetic patients is a significant element to have a better hypoglycemia prognosis and treatment. Therefore, the current study aimed to assess the knowledge and prevention practice of hypoglycemia and its associated factors among DM patients in Makkah region, Saudi Arabia.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted using a structured questionnaire in Makkah city population, Saudi Arabia. A total of 600 diabetic patients were collected by using an online version. The collected data and variables were measured by SPSS version 23.

Results: A total of 600 diabetic patients, the predominant age group was above 45 years 285 (47.5%). Regarding gender, the majority were females 303 (50.5%). Most of the participants were urban citizens 480 (80%). Approximately half of the patients had type 1 diabetes 301 (50.2%) and 346 (57.7%) of the participants had the illness for more than 5 years. Concerning, the knowledge about hypoglycemia, most of the subjects reported good knowledge 410 (68.3%) like the hypoglycemia prevention practice which revealed that 371 (61.8%) documented good practice.

Conclusion: Despite diabetic patients with sufficient knowledge of hypoglycemia and the strong correlation with good prevention practice. There was a knowledge gap in hypoglycemia prevention. Therefore, we recommend offering consultation for diabetic patients during their visits regarding hypoglycemia. For the significant points to improve their prevention practice.

Key words: Hypoglycemia, prevention, Diabetes, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

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