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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3493-3498

Factors Affecting Parent’s Attitude towards Female Education in Pakistan

Muhammad Fahim, Shabir Ahmad, Roohul Amin, Muhammad Azam Khan, Akhtar Ali.


The present research paper focuses on the factors effecting parents attitude towards female education in District Dir Upper Tehsil Wari, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. In this study 400 respondents were interviewed randomly in 10 Union Councils. Objectives of the study were: to find out respondents' attitudes towards female education; to identify the factors affecting female education (perceived by parents) in the area; and to give policy recommendations in light of the study. To achieve the objectives the following research questions were made: what is the demographic information of the parents? What is the parents' attitude toward female education? What are the issues and challenges toward female education in the specific area? and what are the future possibilities in female education regarding girls’ specific context? The data were collected through a reliable questionnaire having reliability coefficient (0.82). Data were analyzed using statistical tools through SPSS. It was found that the attitude of the parents towards female education is affected by the problems of transportation, low ambition, lack of guidance and counseling; female education is affected by the problems like (Veil, domestic duties, joint family system and school environment); and gender discrimination especially in the context of lesser job opportunities and preferences given over daughters to sons were the major reasons for shaping parents’ attitude towards female education.

Key words: Parents, education, attitude, financial and cultural problems, gender discrimination

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