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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 546-555

Role of sport in Profiling of Mood States: Self-perceived Experiences of Elite Athletes of Pakistan



Introduction: Sports are thought to be beneficial in shaping mostly desired sociocultural attitudes and enhancing lifestyle among the various benefits attributed to sports in addition to health and fitness. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate the role of sport in profiling mood states and well-being among Pakistani elite athletes. Method: A total of (1463) questionnaires were administered, however; 1430 valid and dully filled questionnaires with (97.74%) were used in the data analysis. Three different modified questionnaires, namely Sport Participation Questionnaire, and Profile of Mood States after following the due procedure of piloting, validity and reliability was developed and used for the collection of required information. The responses were properly tabulated and analyzed with the help a computer software Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 26. A significant level of 0.05 was set to accept or reject the hypotheses. Results: Findings of the study indicated an important role of sport in reducing total mood disturbance (p= .046 < 0.05) and significant negative correlation between sport and total mood disturbance (r= -.053). No gender-based difference was found in POMS (p > 0.05). Conclusion and Implication: Based on the data analysis, it has been concluded that sport has played an important role in profiling mood states among elite athletes. The findings of the current research suggest that sport can contribute to the overall development of its participants. In the future, it is hoped that this research will lead to a decrease in psychological as well as physiological problems by providing the benefits of sport participation.

Key words: Profiling, Mood States, Self-perceived, Experience, Elite Athlete

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