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Structure function of the Cytochrome C and Cytochrome b6f complex genes in Moringa peregrina

Mokhtar Said Rizk, A. H. Hassan, Mohamed Abd S. El Zayat.


To satisfy the needs of a growing global population, it is vital to develop viable replacement crops. Moringa is a tropical and subtropical plant that grows in multiple regions in the world. The Moringaceae family includes the genus M. peregrina, it has been discovered to have a variety of medical purposes; therefore M. peregrina must be grown in a variety of locations around Egypt. The purpose of this study is to determine the RNA sequences of tow genes and their phylogenetic relationships of 2780 sequence alignments collected from NCBI as well as M. peregrina from 255 genera across the novel gene cyt C, and 1955 sequence alignments as well as M. peregrina from 177 genera accessions numbers in NCBI (MZ005963 and MZ005966, respectively). Furthermore, cyt C (879 bp) whilst, cyt b6f complex (468bp). The present study included the investigation of allele frequency, partial haploid, haploid SNPs, SNPs transitions, and Transversions M. peregrina. The phylogenetic analysis was utilized to evaluate M. peregrina genetic variation and association with other plant species, according to our findings. Using sequence alignment from NCBI as well as Moringa, we were able to identify multiple cytochrome genes according to sequence alignment. The sequence alignment of the cytochrome C and cytochrome b6f complex genes reveals a high level of genetic variety and diversity among Moringa and other species of plants.

Key words: Keywords: Moringa peregrina, Cytochrome C gene, Cytochrome b6f complex gene, Phylogenetic tree

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