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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(3): 2410-2417

Barriers and Breakthroughs in the Development of Differently abled Cricket Players

Sumeira Rajab, Muhammad Tahir Nazeer*, Mubashar Khan, Saadia khalid, Rabia Wali.


Barriers and breakthroughs have a significant role in the development of differently abled players. The purpose of the study was to analyze the contribution of the social barriers (SoB), structural barriers (StB), architectural breakthrough (ABT) and social breakthrough (SBT) for the development of differently abled cricket players (DoDCP). A sample of 203 differently abled cricket players of mean age 17 years had been selected through purposive sampling from six major districts of the Punjab. Data was collected through specialized instruments with the help of the teachers of players. The descriptive statistics, correlation and regression analysis had been applied for data analysis. Pearson correlation show that DoDCP has positive and high significant association with ABT (p

Key words: Development, differently abled players, Barriers, Breakthrough, Cricket.

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