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Role of diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy in the evaluation of infertility among the patients attending one of the tertiary care centers of Ahmedabad, Gujarat

Nitin Gambhava, Kanupriya Singh, Maulesh Modi, Venu Shah.

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Background: Reproduction is the basic expectation of human life. There is worldwide increase in incidence of infertility due to many factors such as delaying child-bearing, increase in lifestyle disorders, and stress to achieve personal and professional goals. The incidence varies between 5 and 15%.

Aims and Objectives: The aims of this study were to evaluate the factors responsible for infertility using diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy among the patients attending tertiary care hospital.

Materials and Methods: It was a prospective study conducted from December 2018 to May 2022 in Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of GCS Medical College, Ahmedabad. Around 150 patients were included in study. All patients of primary and secondary infertility whose hormonal profile was normal were included in the study.

Results: In the present study, primary infertility was present in 73% of cases where as 27% were having secondary. Majority (43%) of patients of the primary infertility belonged to age 26–30 years and 29% of secondary infertility cases were in the age group 31–35 years. Tubal factors were highest (32%), followed by ovarian factors (29%), peritoneal factors (11%), and uterine factors (9%). Among tubal factors, bilateral block was present in 19% and unilateral tubal block in 11%; among ovarian factors, polycystic ovary syndrome was highest (18%) and in peritoneal factor, endometriosis was seen in 6%. In uterine factors, fibroid was present in about 8% of cases.

Conclusion: Diagnostic hysterolaparoscopy provides reliable information in evaluation of infertility and determining various causes such as tubal, ovarian, peritoneal, and uterine.

Key words: Hysterolaparoscopy; Infertility; Laparoscopy

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