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Case Report

Pulmonary Tuberculosis with COVID-19 Coinfection: A Case Report

Bintang Yinke Magdalena Sinaga, Cita Pujiaty Sinulingga.

Cited by 0 Articles

COVID-19 can occur at any time in pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) patients. Pulmonary TB and COVID-19 are infectious diseases that mainly involve the lungs. It is possible that infection with one can increase the chances of contracting the other due to the weakening of the host's immune system. Awareness of the importance of preventive measures and the ability to diagnose and provide appropriate therapy are urgently needed in managing COVID-19 in TB patients. This case reports a 24-year-old female COVID-19 patient with pre-existing pulmonary TB.

Key words: COVID-19, Pulmonary tuberculosis, Coinfection

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