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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2771-2782

Faculty and Thriving in Pakistani Universities

Dr. Muhammad Imad-ud-din Akbar, Dr. Shrafat Ali Sair, Muhammad Adnan, Sahar Latif Rana, Shakeel Ahmad Khan, Muhammad Nawaz.


The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of workplace incivility and prosocial motivation on thriving of teaching faculty of Pakistani universities. The moderating role of psychological capital on these associations is investigated as well. Data were collected from 196 faculty members of different universities (public and private). Results shows that there are significant associations of workplace incivility-thriving, prosocial motivation-thriving, and psychological capital-thriving. There is significant impact of moderator (psychological capital) as well. This study highlights that there should be no compromise with workplace incivility to maximize the level of thriving. Further, implications and limitations with future recommendations are also present.

Key words: workplace incivility; prosocial motivation; psychological capital; thriving at work

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