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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(2): 1346-1356

Facebook use and youths’ psychological states of insecurity, depression, extremism, and desensitization

Hannan Khan Tareen, Dr. Samia Manzoor, Dr. Aqsa Iram Shahzadi Khan, Dr. Manan Khan Tareen, Nazmine.


The aim of the study was to find out the psychological impact on Bahauddin Zakaria University Multan of Facebook visual material toward Muslims. To achieve this, a survey method technique was used to take data from 500 interviewees, 250 male and female students from Bahauddin Zakaria University Multan from each segment. The study found that a majority of respondents said that Facebook's visual content has various psychological effects on Muslims, such as depression, fearlessness, helplessness, etc. Moreover, the survey results indicate that males are more influenced by Facebook visual content against Muslims compared with females, which makes the psychological impact of Facebook visual content against Muslims more important for males.Results of the study also showed that respondents feel helpless and insecure after watching the Facebook visual content against the Muslims.

Key words: Visual content, Facebook, psychological effects, gender, youth

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