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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 7510-7515

The impact of HIV and AIDS based on Gender in Delhi

Sathish Nagappan, Dr. S. Thanikasalam.


The study attempts to analysis the impact of HIV and AIDS regarding gender in Delhi. Both, the primary and secondary data were collected. The self-setructured interview schedule was used for data collection from the HIV and AIDS respondents who were admitted in Manipal Hospital and Aashlok Hospital. The total 1,550 respondents were selected by using purposive sampling technique. The result shows that in the case of hospitalization fever, tuberculosis and loose motion/diarrhoea emerge as common health problems for which both men and women. It is also seen that the percentage of illnesses reported is similar for men and women in respect of most of the illnesses. The average number of days admitted in a hospital at a time is more or less the same for men and women in most diseases barring malaria, headache, and STD. However, there is no gender difference in the average number of days admitted considering all the diseases. So, it could be concluded that the respondents were impacted negatively by HIV and AIDS, both either men or women in the study area.

Key words: HIV and AIDS, Gender

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