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Open Vet J. 2022; 12(4): 426-429

Effects of opium inhalation on physical and biochemical parameters of stray dogs in Kabul city, Afghanistan

Tawfeeq Mohammad Monir.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: Afghanistan is one of the biggest opium producing country in the world. There are more than a million drug addicts in the country, which most of them are living in public places. Stray dogs who lives with drug addicts are at highest risk of inhaling drugs
Aim: Aim of this study is to evaluate changes in physical and biochemical parameters of stray dogs inhaling drugs.
Methods: Total of 12 dogs were assigned into two groups of healthy and infected (stray dogs who inhale drugs) dogs. Physical and biochemical parameters of both groups were evaluated.
Results: Subjective evaluation showed clinical changes such as congestion of conjunctiva in infected group. Biochemical examination showed significantly higher level of glucose (P

Key words: Keywords: stray dogs, addicts, biochemical parameters, opium

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