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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 2960-2966

Women and Media; Stereotyping Trends of Women Portrayal during 21stcentury (An Analysis of Female Roles in Pakistani Dramas during Different Political Eras)

Saiqa Kareem, Robina Roshan, Zeeshan Qasim, Komal Mehreen.


This research article gives an insight scenario of representation of women in Pakistani TV dramas in working and non-working roles during 21st century having three different political eras. The researcher has adopted the content analysis technique in which a code sheet was developed to get the findings. Hypotheses were tested through statistical techniques to get accurate results. Results of the study revealed that representation of women in working and non-working observed no specific change in Pakistani TV dramas during three different political eras of 21st century. Most of the women, , both educated as well as non-educated, were shown in non-working roles. The study also suggested that women were shown in stereotypical manner dependent on male and home bound during all three different eras.

Key words: Women Stereotypical Portrayal, Pakistani TV dramas, 21st Century

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