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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 7427-7434

Elements of Women Marginalization in Mohammed Hanif’s Our Lady of Alice Bhatti

Saira Siraj, Muhammad Tahir Anjum, Naeem Ullah Kaka Khel, Muhammad Saddam*, Shah Faisal.


The current study highlights all those elements that lead to marginalization and discrimination of women by investigating the challenges in this regard. The study aims to explore the circumstances of marginalized women in the novel Our Lady of Alice Bhatti by Mohammed Hanif. The objectives of the study are to analyze how Christians in general and, Alice Bhatti, a lower-class woman, in particular, are demoted in society. In order to explore these issues, qualitative research methodology is used. The study concludes that Alice Bhatti is socially excluded from the mainstream of society just because of their religion, caste, and gender. She is depicted as a meek, helpless creature devoid of any individuality.

Key words: Marginalization, Stagnant, Stereotype, Humiliation, Discrimination, Patriarchy.

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