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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3972-3976

An Empirical Study on Consumer Behaviour towards Online Shopping of Women Apparels in Kolhapur District

Sanjay Akaram Jadhav.


The internet revolution has redefined every business sector across the world especially online shopping and online shopping behavior of the people. The increased penetration of internet has fuelled the online retailing across the world and specifically in the emerging markets of developing countries like India. The Indian retailing market is evolving their business models into e-retailing models. The Indian industry of online retailing has crossed 20.5 Billion USD in the year 2017, and in 2018, it has crossed 25 billion USD and in 2021, there is expectation that it will increase up to 62 Billion USD. The Indian companies are facing challenges in identifying that what is driving the concept of the online shopping.
Aim: This study is focused on behavior of customer on online shopping of women apparels, the various factors will be identifies that motivate the female shoppers to buy women apparels through online mode.
Method: This study is descriptive and exploratory research as the primary data is collected through selfstructured questionnaire and analyzed that made to identify the customer behavior towards online shopping of women apparels. The structured questionnaire included Five Point Likert scale questions ranging from strongly agree to disagree. The respondents selected for this study are from Different taluk of Kolhapur like Chandgad, Bhudargad, Gadhinglaj, Ajara, Radhanagari, Shirol, shahuwadi, Hatkanangal etc. Due to times constraints, the convenience random sampling and cluster sampling method method had been used to collect the data and the total respondents selected for this study are 500. Anova test has been applied on collected data using SPSS Software to extract the various factors of customer’s behavior towards online shopping of women apparels.
Conclusion: The findings of this paper will provide deep insights regarding online retailing and consumer behavior towards online shopping of Women Apparels to the small and big online International or National companies, Brands franchisee holder, retailers, Market strategy or policy makers.

Key words: Indian Retailing Market, E-Retailing Models, Online Shopping, customer behavior etc

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