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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2579-2595

The Impact and Level of Cultural Values and Ethically-Minded Consumer Behavior on the Consumer-Based Brand Equity of Nestle: Evidence from Pakistani Cultural Context

Nazir Hussain Shah, Hira Khan, Abdul Khaliq Alvi, Hasrat Zaman Khan.


This research report inquires the level of cultural values in rural and urban areas of Lahore. It also checks the impact of two independent variables namely; cultural values and ethically-minded consumer behavior on the consumer-based brand equity. Nestle Pakistan Limited is taken as the case company to ascertain the consumerbased brand equity by deriving evidence from Pakistani cultural context. The study is conducted by qualitative research method. The primary data has been collected through an adopted questionnaire from a total of 300 respondents of rural and urban areas of Lahore, collectively. Equal representation of respondents from rural and urban areas has been carried out for the study. SPSS 20 is used as the statistical tool to perform demographic analysis, reliability and validity testing, regression analysis and correlation analysis of the collected data. The humble findings of the study reflect that the level of cultural values is higher in rural areas of Pakistan as compared to urban areas. The correlation analysis reveals that overall Pakistani cultural values are negatively associated and negatively correlated with the consumer-based brand equity of Nestle Pakistan Limited. The ethically-minded consumer behavior of Pakistani consumers is also negatively associated with consumer-based brand equity of Nestle Pakistan Limited. However, the study of rural and urban areas of Pakistan suggests that cultural values and ethically-minded consumer behavior do not yield prominent impact on the consumer-based brand equity of Nestle Pakistan Limited. Certain limitations of the current study and suggestions for future research are also listed in the study

Key words: Pakistan, Rural Area, Urban Area, Consumer-based Brand Equity, Ethically-minded Consumer Behavior, Attitude-Behavior Gap.

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