The current study was conducted to identify the issues regarding sport at district level of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), the Province of Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Focal points of the study were; to analyze the in vogue process for allocation and distribution of funds, to survey the existing sport facilities and equipment, and to evaluate the prevailing management in light of available facilities and equipment for sport at District Level. Cross-sectional survey research technique from a quantitative research paradigm was employed to collect the required information. The collected information was accordingly processed through Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), version 26 and then analyzed and presented in graph and figures. The analyzed data revealed that respondents have shown dissatisfaction with the financial assistance for sport extended by the provincial government in connection to the conduct and arrangement of sport in different areas of the province of KP. Interpretation of the analysis presented discontentment among the respondents regarding availability of sport facilities its maintenance and repair. At the end it was recommended that sufficient budget may be provided for the overall improvement of sport in KP.
Key words: Financial Assistance, Existing Facilities and Equipment, Management of Sports Facilities, & District Sport