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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2545-2554


Muhammad Saqib Khan, Dr. Farhat Ullah Khan, Dr. Khalid Rehman, Dr. Irfan Ullah Khan, Muhammad Waseem Khan, Dr. Asghar Ullah Khan.


The universities (higher institutions) are vital as they produce diverse expert (employees) to diverse sectors of each country. The academic institutions like functions in universities supply expertise, training and personnel to industries. The leadership is found through the different professionals and academicians as very essential and significant theme in organizational behavior. The attributes of the worker/manager/leader comprise, gender, age, designation, tenure/ experience, educational level, marital status, institution/department and domicile. The literature uncovered that gender has just a little impact on the transformational and the transactional leadership conduct, however the interaction of gender and education created reliable contrasts in representatives' appraisals of the leadership practices. The demographic characteristics, for example, age, gender, experience and professional status ominously affect institutional workers' appraisals of their institutions and on the subordinates' view of the leadership style (Curran, 2009). Therefore, the literature on leadership, commitment and demographic provided the diverse results.

Key words: Leadership Styles, Motivation, Organizational Commitment & HEIs

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