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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3716-3724

The Relationship between Job Stress, Coping Mechanisms and Job Performance among Instructor Physical Education

Muhammad Asghar Khan, Afshan Jabeen, Muhammad Safdar Luqman, Qamar Afaq Qureshi, Irfanullah khan, Mehwish Manzoor.


Stress is considered as a crucial part of contemporary life; it may be positive or negative. Literature highlights variety ingredients of job stressors, conflict, overload, insufficient salary, lacking of teaching material etc. in connection with job performance. The main focus of present study was to examine the Relationship between job stress (workload), coping mechanisms (behavioral modifications) and job performance among instructor physical education working at Government Higher Secondary School of district Kohat, Bannu and lakki marwat in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. Population of the present study comprised on (N=171), as it was finite population, no sampling technique was adopted. Explanatory research with cross-sectional approach was used for the empirical study. Self-administered cumclose ended questionnaire was used for the data analyses. Variety of sources such as messenger, email and what’s App and other postal services were used for data collection. Inferential statistics were entertained to run the set hypotheses. Finding of the study highlighted that there was adverse association in between job stress and job performance of IPEs but after adopting coping mechanism, the instructor physical education has improved/enhanced their job performance. It was recommended that coping mechanism may take under special consideration to boost up working culture among LPEs.

Key words: Job Stress, behavioral modifications, Physical Education

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