For more than 20 years emotions was not consider as an integral part of intelligence as discussed by earlier philosophers from Greek and Romans. In the nineteen century emotions were treated as negative consequences of human behavior, and they were considering as ruling agent of individuals. Emotions may be controlled by human or submit to their clout. Later on emotions were considered as prioritizing task, to organize efforts, motivating intrinsically one self. And finally it was concluded that emotions are holistic in nature and control over all mechanism of human body. The current study tries to understand different models of emotional intelligence (EI) explained by Nath (2013), Craig, (2019) and other latest work on EI. Based on the detail discussion of different EI model it can be concluded that in accordance to the findings of Faltas, (2017) different EI model can be assessed based on their relevancy to human behavior. EI is one of the evolving field and it need to be investigated from various prospective like leadership.
Key words: Emotional Intelligence, Emotions, Human Behavior