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Research Article

EEO. 2019; 18(4): 2244-2250


Dr. Sr. Cathelina, Dr. K. Mala.


Vocational education will be an integral part of school and higher education. Social status hierarchy and vocational education the matter of social status hierarchy of occupations has vexed higher education in multiple ways. It has significantly influenced the public perception of vocational education and thus the choices that students make in higher education. There is no gainsaying the fact that vocational education has been less desirable to students making these choices. Other factors have also influenced this perception of vocational education. Notably, the ‘hard’ separation of vocational education from academic and professional education, most clearly manifested in complete institutional and curricular separation from school onwards, has had a role to play as has the mostly indifferent quality of vocational education institutions. This situation is in urgent need of change. Vocational education must become an attractive option for students to choose from. This is crucial for the wellbeing of the millions of people joining and already in the workforce. It is equally important for the national economy. This Policy takes decisive actions - both in the immediate and long term - to address this matter.
Vocational education prepares students for jobs, specific trade, occupation or vocation, in which the seeker participates. Vocational education comprises of all trades and raining from mechanics to handicraft to agriculture to health care industry. It aims in making a student self –reliant. Right from the Wardha scheme of Basic education (1937) to Kothari commission (1964) to UNESCO (2013) to NPE (1968, 1986 and 2019) all have laid specific importance to Vocational education. Sustainability and economic growth of any nation can be harmonized through innovative pedagogical approaches in a promising way to address the challenges in vocational education. This paper is an attempt to study the problems I the existing state of vocational education, to study the new approach of NEP draft 2019 for increasing employability amongst the youth of India and in turn, leading to sustainability

Key words: vocational education, social status hierarchy, NEP draft 2019

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