The current study investigated the seroprevalence of Q fever among small ruminants in some governorates in the northern Egypt and detected the shedders by specific Real-time PCR. A total of 63 sera and 6 vaginal swabs were collected from aborted cases. To detect specific antibodies against C. burnetii, an indirect ELISA was used. The study showed that infection was significantly higher in sheep (50%) than in goats (0%). The highest prevalence was found in age group ranged from 1-3 years as (50%). The highest number of infected animals was found in autumn season (75%). The highest prevalence was in Ossemi breed of sheep (100%). The highest prevalence was in non-grazed flocks (50%). Using a Real-time PCR assay, C. burnetii was found in 5 samples. The results of this study proved that Q fever may be enzootic among sheep and affected by some potential risk factors. Moreover, Real-time PCR is a reliable test for detecting shedder animals.
Key words: PCR, ElISA, sheep, goats, Q fever, Coxiella burnetii.