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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 6197-6214

Linguistic Analysis Of Waiting For Godot: A Critical Survey

Shabana Iqbal, Dr. Abdus Samad, Dr. Abdul Waheed Qureshi, Neelam Sultan.


The present study aims to conduct semantic and syntactic analysis of Samuel BeckettÂ’s playWaiting for Godot, to explore the exploitation and utilization of these linguistic choices in the process of thematic construction. It highlights the role of language in the replication of significant aspects attached with the situational and mental states of the speaker. It has been found that Beckett has exploited the linguistic choices of semantics and syntax to reveal and signify the themes of the play and the disjointed and non-sequential words with fragmented and elliptic structures that have been deliberately used to connote to the prevalent themes of the play.

Key words: Exploitation; Linguistic Choices, Semantics, Syntax; Themes

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