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Microbial Synthesis of Magnetite Nanoparticles for Arsenic Removal

Gopal Samy Balakrishnan, Karthik Rajendran, Jegatheesan Kalirajan.

Cited by 7 Articles

Apart from their vast applications, the magnetic property of magnetite nanoparticles make it as an opt candidate for removal of arsenic from drinking water and other polluted water streams. Magnetite nanoparticles were produced by microbial synthesis from Fusarium oxysporum with Ferric Chloride and magnetite ore as substrates. The structure, morphology of magnetite nanoparticles were characterized by FTIR Spectroscopy, UV-Vis spectroscopy, X-ray Diffraction (XRD), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and their magnetic properties were characterized Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (VSM). The presence of magnetite nanoparticles was indicated by the XRD spectral pattern and their SEM micrograph showed in the nano ranged particles with an average diameter of 26.78 nm. Magnetic characteristic of Magnetite nanoparticles was indicated super paramagnetic properties with a saturation magnetic value of 90.01 emug-1. These magnetite nanoparticles were used to remove arsenic in the water by simple magnetic adsorption process and the removal efficiency was found to be 96%.

Key words: Fusarium oxysporum, nanomagnetite, Arsenic, Bioremediation

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