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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3454-3459

The Pattern of Jakarta Metropolitan Area Emissivity: A Decade Study

Garrin Alif Nanditho, Lin Yola, Olutobi Gbenga Ayegbusi, Sofi Ulfiasari, Nur Fatwa, Komara Djaja.


Urbanization and the increasing urban development have caused a significant impact on land-use change, especially in dense metropolitan areas. The urban heat island phenomenon, air pollution, and thermal discomfort are among the challenges that affect all aspects of the environment, social and economic. One of the significant contributors to these variables is extremely high emissivity intensity in the urban area. The lack of long-term scientific study to investigate the emissivity and urban development in the developing metropolitan cities tends to lead to aggravation of the existing urban issues. In this study, the increasing urban emissivity observed in Jakarta metropolitan area for the past decade was investigated using the Landsat 8 mapping to analyse both the urban development pattern and the resulting emissivity intensity. The results indicate that most of the studied metropolitan area indeed generates a very high emissivity, and the increase rate reported was significant to have negative impact on the overall environment. More study is however suggested for better understanding of reason why the buffer area of the city recorded higher emissivity.

Key words: Urbanization, Jakarta Metropolitan Area, high emissivity intensity

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