Background: Stress is a term that refers to the sum of physical, mental, and emotional strains or tensions on a person. Medical education can impose significant psychological stress on undergraduates. Considerable degree of psychological morbidity has been reported among medical students ranging from stress, interpersonal problems, and suicidal ideation to psychiatric disorders and they tend to have greater psychological distress than the general population. The academic demands of medical education are placed on students at the time of their life when they are also involved in issues related to lifestyle and careers. There is very limited data available as of on Indian population regarding the link between stress and ABO blood groups.
Aims and Objective: The aim of the study was to compare stress levels in students with different ABO blood groups.
Materials and Method: Blood grouping was done. The medical student stressor questionnaire (MSSQ), a validated instrument, was used to identify levels of stress in medical students. The items in MSSQ represent 20 possible sources of stress in medical students identified from the literature grouped into six main domains: Academic related stressor, intrapersonal and interpersonal related stressor, teaching and learning related stressor, social related stressor, drive and desire related stressor, and group activities related stressor. Data collected were analyzed using SPSS version 23. AS Descriptive analysis of levels of stress in all six domains in relation to blood groups was presented as frequency and percentages using ANOVA.
Results: No statistical significant difference was found in stress levels in students with different blood groups.
Conclusions: The study showed that students with different blood groups have the same levels of stress.
Key words: Stress; Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire; Blood Groups