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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(3): 2351-2361

UN Security Council Resolutions 1980-1988 about the Iraq-Iran war (The position of the Islamic Republic of Iran on those decisions)

Hussien Karim Hammoud.


The study deals with the position of the Islamic Republic of Iran on international resolutions, issued by the Security Council, concerning the situation between Iraq and Iran and for the period from 1980 to 1988, note that the Security Council has issued nine resolutions on the conflict, but it was not mandatory. Rather, they were recommendations, according to Article VI of the United Nations Charter, with the exception of Resolution 598 which was issued pursuant to Article Seven of the United Nations Charter, who follows the positions finds that the Islamic Republic of Iran. It did not announce its approval of any of those decisions, except with preconditions, to punish the Iraqi regime and hold Iraq responsible for starting the war and until the regime’s appearance in Iraq changes, even Resolution 598 did not agree to it at first. Rather, it indicated that the decision was issued without consulting the Islamic Republic of Iran, it was issued under American pressure in favor of Iraq. However, a year after the issuance of the decision, it announced its approval of the decision without preconditions due to internal and external circumstances.

Key words: Security Council Resolutions, Iraq, Iran, Security Council

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