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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 5705-5719

Sustaining Educational Public Relations during Covid-19: A CrossSectional Study

Muhammad Noor Al Adwan, Yousef Sami Abu Eid.


Despite the institutional closure during Covid-19, the role of social media in education is undeniable. Higher educational institutions all over the world are sustaining their educational activities through web-based technologies. In this context, the current study highlightshigher education institutions' rolein maintainingacademic PR through virtual conferences. To examine the relevant phenomenon, the researcher randomly selected a sample of n= 105 students from Jordan. An extensive number of cited literature also helped to propose a conceptual model for the current investigation. Findings indicated a strong significant relationship between virtual conferences and educational PR during the Covid-19 crisis. Respondents indicated their higher dependence on web-based platforms to contribute to e-conferences and improve learning and working skills. Thus, the researcher emphasized more studies to assess web-based technologies for facilitating the educational process in general and during crises in particular.

Key words: Social Media; Education, Public Relations; Virtual Conferences; Team Work, Collaboration; Online Participation

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