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Case Report

RMJ. 2008; 33(1): 126-127

Teratoid Medulloepithelioma -A Rare Ocular Tumor

Nadira Mamoon, Muhammad Ashraf Sharif, Sajid Mushtaq, Muhammad Tahir Khadim, Shahid Jamal..


A 7 years old child presented with gradually increasing loss of vision along with swelling and
redness of his left eye for 2 years. Enucleation revealed a whitish tumor mass in the anterior
chamber. Histopathologically, epithelial tubular structures and rosettes were present with
lobules of cartilage and glial tissue. medulloepithelioma should be considered in the
differential diagnosis of a ciliary body mass especially in a child. (Rawal Med J 2008;33:126-

Key words: Medulloepithelioma, ciliary body, retinoblastoma

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