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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3386-3392


Diwan Hussein Wadi, Samir Jamal Ibraheem Jamsheer.


In their Inaugural Addresses, American presidents (among whom the President Donald Trump) often endeavor to present their new plans and strategies and try to convince the audience with their upcoming activities and events that they intend to attain. Trump, in his 2017 inaugural address, seems to have recourse to certain stylistic and rhetorical devices toexpress his viewpoints and to direct his audience attention towards getting acquainted with his ideas in a way to persuade them to accept these ideas. A qualitative-descriptive method is followed to carry out the data and results analysis of the salient stylistic-rhetorical devices utilized by Trump. The paper concludes thatTrumps resorts to various devices; he gives reference to America as one unified nation glorifying its history and its great past men. Further, the use of personal pronouns help him to refer to different persons (we and us refer to himself and the audience, I refers to himself, you addresses the audience and they and them refer to others). Figurative devices (metaphor, parallelism and contrast) are employed to facilitate the conveyance of Trump’s message and add a more vivid picture and a more musical tone to the conveyed message.

Key words: Trump, Inaugural, Address, stylistic-rhetorical

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