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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2744-2763

“A study on satisfaction levels regarding welfare measures of Industrial workers working in selected units of MIDC Nagpur”

Dr. Jonathan Sudhir Joseph.


Welfare includes anything that is done for the comfort and improvement of employees and is provided over and above the wages. Welfare helps in keeping the morale and motivation of the employees high so as to retain the employees for longer duration. The welfare measures need not be in monetary terms only but in any kind/forms. Employee welfare includes monitoring of working conditions, creation of industrial harmony through infrastructure for health, industrial relations and insurance against disease, accident and unemployment for the workers and their families
“A study on satisfaction levels regarding welfare measures of Industrial workers working in selected units of MIDC Nagpur”. was undertaken with the following objectives.
1. To study the demographic variables of the Industrial workers.
2. To study the levels of welfare facilities available in the organization.
3. To seek the relationship between selected demographic variables and welfare facilities

Key words: Job, Job work, Industrial workers, Welfare measures, Labour

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