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Research Article

EEO. 2020; 19(4): 3371-3375


Muhammad Syaroni Rofii.


COVID-19 has become a global threat. The ferocity of this virus has paralyzed the health system of major countries such as the United States, Britain, Italy and Spain. When this virus entered its peak period, countries experienced a shortage of medical devices. This situation has inspired some countries to play a diplomatic role, such as Russia and Turkey who sending medical equipment assistance to countries that were previously their enemies. This article discusses the Turkish and Russian approaches to using medical devices as diplomatic instruments. Based on the soft power theory, the Turkish and Russian approaches have been very effective in changing their image in the eyes of countries that were previously hostile to them. This research is a qualitative research which utilize official statements and release from Russia and Turkish ministry of foreign affairs as well as secondary source from publication of reputable global think tank in the US, Russia, Turkey and Europe.This research explains how Turkey and Russia used the resources they owned during the Covid-19 pandemic to build an image as friendly countries and could become partners for Eastern European countries and some member states of the European Union. It can also be concluded that the Turkish and Russian approaches can be categorized as health diplomacy.

Key words: COVID-19, Diplomacy, medical equipment assistance

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