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RMJ. 2019; 44(2): 359-361

Prevalence of Cell phone elbow among young adults

Arooj Fatima, Ayesha Sadiq, Ashfaq Ahmad, Aamir Gillani, Kamran Hanif.


Objectives: To determine the prevalence of cell phone elbow among young adults and to evaluate functional limitation in elbow joint due to this condition.
Methodology: In this cross-sectional study, data were collected randomly from healthy young adults of university of Lahore via quick DASH questionnaire. A convenient sampling technique was used and data were by SPSS version 16.0.
Results: Out of 86 healthy subjects, 17(19.8%) had symptoms. The mean age of the participants was 22.53±2.5 years. Cell phone elbow was more common in females.
Conclusion: Cell phone elbow was seen 19.8% subjects, higher than the previous studies. This condition should not be neglected because if left untreated, it can lead to functional disability.

Key words: Cubital tunnel syndrome, prevalence, young adults.

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