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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(5): 5266-5272

Analysis of National Characteristics in Conducting ODA Projects in the Public Administration Field in Africa: Utilisation of Cluster Analysis Method

Young-Chool Choi.


The aim of this study is to analyse the national characteristics of the recipient country that are needed in order for aid to be provided to the public administration sector of countries in Africa. For this purpose, the cluster analysis method was utilised. In the cluster analysis of 64 countries that were examined, indicators such as stability, government effectiveness in policymaking, governance in policymaking, and per capita national income were used. As a result of the analysis, five clusters were found. If a country is in Cluster 5, as is the case with 31 countries, it may be said that aid provision regarding its level of public administration is urgent. Aid donors to these 31 countries that are in a poor position regarding the field of public administration can make a big difference in terms of effective aid provision.

Key words: public administration aid, cluster analysis, African ODA

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