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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(6): 2175-2189

Is It Possible To Characterize The Young English Teacher As A Digital Native?

Astrid Ramírez Valencia, Luz Marilyn Ortiz, Blanca Lucia Bustamante.


There are multiple ways of characterizing the young English teacher whose age range is between 18 and 23 years old. On the one hand, it is believed that he/she is a digital native teacher; alternatively, this teacher is widely trained to manage digital environments and relevant pedagogical strategies as a part of his/her educational processes. According to the above, this research aims to analyze; if that belief is accurate in the current pandemic situation. For this purpose, it was adopted a descriptive qualitative research; with a group of 30 students in their last semesters who are doing their teaching practice in some schools in Bogota, Colombia. The collection instruments used were a structured interview and a survey. It is concluded that the process of training young English teachers should lead to projecting the technology to the school, thus renewing the experiences gained during the pandemic.

Key words: Digital native, digital competence, young English teacher.

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