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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(4): 2260-2267

Challenges of Defining and Revitalizing/ Reawakening of Islamic Civilization in Contemporary Era

Dr. Muhammad Shahid Habib, Dr. Saeed Ahmed,Dr. Prof. Dr. Arshad MunirLaghari,Muhammad MubashirSaleem.


Islamic Civilization is acknowledged for its distinguished characteristics in civilizational studies and it secures
these unique dynamics due to its fundamental principles. Although it has been area of interest among the
eminent intellects of the East and the West, but most often it is evaluated in the opposition to the Western
Civilization under ‘us versus them’ framework. This approach must lead to selective perception of the ‘Other’.
Essentially, Islamic Civilization possess its own unpretentious aspects which are obtained from its foundations;
Quran and Sunnah. With reference to modern era, there is an utmost need to rejuvenate Islamic Civilizational
studies from its own standpoint without considering the Western ‘Other’ as Islamic Ummah is undergoing from
crisis of distortion of knowledge and misleading inpetretation of tradition by both external and internal conflict
narratives. So this era is calling for revitalization and reawakening of Islamic Civilization to make it in
conformity with its basics. Thus it would be in a position to regain its glory and honor that it has lost. This paper
aims to highlight, in comparative analytical approach, the need to evaluate Islamic Civilization according to its
own principles set by Quran and Sunnah to reawaken Muslim Society.

Key words: Civilizational studies, Islamic Civilization, Reawakening, Muslim Society and ContemporaryEra

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