The objectives of this study were to know the growth performance of graded Brahman calves, the phenotypic and genetic correlations between different growth traits and the effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on growth performance of Brahman crossbred calves in selected areas of Mymensingh district. Data on 422 Brahman crossbred calves were collected under the project entitled Genetic improvement of indigenous cattle for beef production through crossing with Brahman cattle by farmers participatory breeding approach in Bangladesh under the department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, BAU, Mymensingh. Statistical analyses of all the parameters were done using Statistical Analysis System (SAS). The means along with standard errors for body weight of Brahman crossbred calves were 18.6±0.08, 48.0±0.39, 78.7±0.54, 117.0±0.81, and 157.6±1.12 kg, respectively for birth weight, weight at three-, six-, nine- and twelve-month of age. The growth performance and average daily gain of male calves were higher than those in female calves at different growth stages. The highest birth weight and weight at different stages of calves were higher in Bhabakhali and lowest in Dowhakhula area. Sex and area had significant effect (p
Key words: Brahman cross calves, growth performance, genetic and non-genetic factors