Kasa (cough) is a one among the foremost common Pranavaha strotodushti vikara (disorder of Respiratory System) ascertained clinically that makes the patient to consult a physician. Kaphaja Kasa (chronic or recurrent mucopurulent bronchitis) is a type of Kasa dominated by kapha and vata dusti. Kaphaja Kasa are often best compared with chronic bronchitis. Chronic bronchitis is a pathological condition characterized by the chronic cough and excessive mucus within the tracheo bronchial tree. Dust, house smoke, smoking, environmental pollution, chemical irritants and vapors, unaccustomed activity and surroundings are major causes of bronchitis. In present case a 50 year old female patient came with the complaints of cough with expectoration and stickiness in mouth since 3 years. She had taken medications (mucolytics, expectorants and cough suppressants etc) which were failing to live over symptoms. The condition got worsened day by day with aggravation of symptoms. The medications like Shwasa kutharrasa, Laxmivilasrasa, Bharangyadi kashaya and Kantakari ghrita were found to be beneficial to overcome patientÂ’s condition. Here an endeavor is formed to review causes, pathological process and treatment of Kaphaja Kasa w.s.r. to chronic bronchitis.
Key words: Kaphaja Kasa, Pranavaha srotodusti vikara, Chronic bronchitis.