The lung-protective ventilation (LPV) strategy aims to minimize lung injury due to a ventilator. The pulmonary recruitment maneuver (LRM) use to recruit collapsed alveoli is a ventilation strategy that involves a transient or ladder increase in transpulmonary pressure. This intervention's primary purpose is mainly to normalize lung oxygenation, which is done by increasing airway pressure quickly and in a controlled setting. Lung recruitment manoeuvres (LRM) are used primarily to treat hypoxemia in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) patients. However, the LRM technique remains controversial. Some evidence of lung recruitment manoeuvres shows no consistent result of beneficial outcome. Particularly in ARDS, LRM show no significant beneficial impact, with the probability of the adverse event. It is also unclear to differentiate responders from non-responders to LRM. Eventually, LRM still not recommended as a routine procedure.
Key words: ARDS, mechanical ventilation, LRM, recruitment maneuver, safety