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Case Report

ATJMED. 2021; 1(1): 7-10

A Case report: Idiopathic pericardial effusion

Ayten Gozde Akyurek, Mehmet Bankir.


The cause of pericardial effusion and disease varies depending on the epidemiology and patient population, and they may be a part of an isolated disease or systemic disease that affects the heart. Most of these cases, which are difficult to diagnose and treat, are evaluated as idiopathic. Multidisciplinary approaches are essential, especially in recurrent, non-responsive treatments and high-risk patient groups. On the other hand, the case we present is a case that applied to our clinic with complaints of weakness and chest pain and was treated and followed up with the diagnosis of idiopathic pericardial effusion in further examinations.

Key words: Pericardial effusion, Idiopathic, Colchicine

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